Church Volunteer

A Church Volunteer is a volunteer with FCA that is a member of a local Church. The role of a Church Volunteer is to help with School and/or Team Huddles, provide resources, and look to partner their Church. 
Be a Huddle Leader Church Volunteer Resources

Help lead School Huddles

Help lead Team Huddles

Provide Resources

Partner your Church

Role of a Church Volunteer

The Church Volunteer is a Huddle Leader that doesn't fit into the categories of Parent, College-aged, or a Teacher/Coach at a school. FCA is a volunteer-run ministry and we are looking for more people to serve! We are looking to connect the local church to schools to find practical, relational, and spiritual ways to serve the community. 

Partnering your Church

The best situation is for the whole church to get behind the mission of reaching youth. If you are a Church Volunteer, or plan to be one, spread the word to your church to get a group of people out! You can see all of the information about how a church can partner and Adopt-A-School by clicking the button below. 
Church Partnerships

Church Volunteers


Schools serving


Church Partnerships


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