
"One coach will impact more young people in one year than most of us will in a lifetime"
Billy Graham, American Evangelist
This quote punctuates the FCA focus on coaches. All coaches have a powerful impact on young lives. The goal of the FCA Coaches Ministry is to see coaches “coaching for Christ” in all places. We want to see coaches to using their influence to share Christ in all ways.

Attend or Lead Coaches Huddle Become a Coach Volunteer

Ministry for coaches

This process began in Central Ohio 14 years ago with the addition of Coach Daryl Bell to the FCA staff. Coach Bell started and lead many “coaches huddles” for several years, at one time over 125 coaches were meeting for weekly Bible study in 18 different groups. These studies were designed to point coaches to the Bible as a guide to their coaching philosophy and practices.

Six years ago we hired Coach Jeff Brenning to assist with the Coaches Ministry. Jeff has faithfully and affectively led many coaches huddles around Central Ohio. Many of the coaches who began with us 14 years ago are still meeting to continue sharpening their coaching skills to reflect Jesus to their athletes.

Our main way that we serve coaches is through the Coaches Huddle. Along with the Coaches Huddle, FCA serves both the coach and the team. FCA looks to relationally engage with coaches and athletes by finding ways to practically serve and make an impact.  This can include providing team snacks, meals, speaking to the team (Huddles), and encouraging athletes on an individual basis.  

Join/lead a Coaches Huddle

Serving your team practically

Host a School or Team Huddle

Training and equipping

God desires to be involved in all aspects of our life and to bless us as members of His team. God has a very different approach to coaching than what is portrayed in the media. It's hard to imagine for most coaches that God wants to be involved with them as a coach. The first step in allowing God to direct your coaching requires first understanding the fundamentals of becoming a player on His team.

We pray that you would take the time to consider getting involved in this particular ministry and take a further look at the resources we have.
Resources for Coaches ministry
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FCA has really helped my development and growth in my Christian walk. For the last 5 years of my 34 year tenure as a coach, I was able to be a part of the FCA Coaches Ministry. As a coach, I helped lead the Westerville South Coaches Huddle while being discipled by Daryl Bell, an FCA staff member. Daryl was instrumental in my transformation after giving my full life to follow Christ. I felt God's calling to ministry after retiring and I am blessed to be on FCA's staff that has such a unity and mission of the gospel of Christ. 

Jeff Brenning
Former Coach and Current FCA Staff





Coaches Huddles


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