Team FCA
Team FCA offers many club sports opportunities in the U.S. and around the world. We are looking for diverse, high impact leaders who are called to SEIZE a life of significance, SHARE the love of Christ and SERVE through the lens of sports.
Get involved Resources for Student Leaders
Mentoring Program
FCA's Columbus City Schools Mentoring Program provides monthly mentoring to 45 boys and girls in the 5th grade at South Mifflin Elementary. 
Be a Mentor
Team FCA's History and Goals

7 years ago, FCA created FCA's Cross Country and Track teams, led by Daryl and Debbie Bell. 70 athletes total the two teams every year, consisting of high school and middle school students. The majority of the athletes are from Columbus, but the team attracts athletes from all around the state. The team consists of mainly homeschooled students, but students from a few schools are represented, as well.

Daryl and Debbie also organize a Family Summer Running Club every summer, with over 200 participants. The Family Summer Running Club is every Monday evening through June and July. 
I have enjoyed the opportunity to run for Team FCA for 8 years. This group is more than just a team. It is a close knit group of people with a common cause; to uplift the name of Jesus Christ. And that makes us family in a spiritual sense. I deeply cherish the relationships that have been crafted through FCA. I wish I could go back and do it all over again.
Ellyn Crawford
Team FCA Cross Country and Track Athlete
The past three years I’ve spent on this team have been life changing for me. Yes, I’ve become a far more capable athlete than I ever expected to, but that only scratches the surface. Coach Bell has taught me the importance of diligence, accountability, encouragement, and leadership, and how by devoting myself to Christ, I can gain all of these and more through his strength for his glory
Elijah Ahrens
Team FCA Cross Country and Track Athlete

Team FCA Athletes


Family Running Club


Mentoring Program History and Goals
For the past few years, FCA has led a movement of mentoring young students through the work of Tim Brown. The mentorship program focuses on Character Development, Career Readiness, and Educational Success. 

The male mentees and their mentors go through a book during their time, titled "Boys Won't Be Boys" by Tim Brown. Click the button below to see this book, and other work, by Tim Brown.
Tim's Website

5th Grade Mentees


Adult Mentors


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