A certified small group bible study/devotion for coaches, athletes, and students.

Our Campus Huddle Locations

High Schools Middle Schools Team Huddles
Adena Columbus South Blendon Africentric (Football)
Cardington-Lincoln Dublin Coffman Dublin Grizzell Centennial (Football)
Dublin Jerome Dublin Scioto Dublin Karrer Columbus South (Soccer, Football, Baseball, Boys Basketball, Wrestling)
Eastmoor Academy Elgin Dublin Sells Dublin Coffman (Football)
Groveport Heath Lakewood Hayes (Soccer)
Hilliard Darby Hilliard Davidson Olentangy Berkshire Licking Valley (Football)
Lakewood Logan Elm Olentangy Berlin Linden McKinley (All-Sport)
Linden McKinley Marysville Olentangy Liberty Mifflin (Football)
Morgan New Albany Olentangy Orange Newark High School (Football)
Olentangy Berlin Olentangy Liberty Olentangy Shanahan Northland (Boys Basketball)
Olentangy Orange Philo River Valley Olentangy Berlin High School (Girls Basketball)
River Valley Teays Valley Upper Arlington Hastings Olentangy Liberty (Boys Cross Country)
Upper Arlington Walnut Ridge Upper Arlington Jones Olentangy Orange (Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Girls Volleyball)
Watkins Wellington Watkins Philo (Football)
Westerville Central Westerville North Walnut Ridge (Football)
Westerville South Zanesville Washington Court House (Wrestling)
Watkins High School (Football)
Westerville Central (Football, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Boys Soccer, Wrestling, Track & Field)
Westerville North (Boys Basketball)
Westerville South (Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball)

Don't see your school above? Want to start a Huddle?

Fill out the form below to contact FCA staff to help start an FCA Huddle with you at your school.

Start a Huddle at My School

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